Board Members

The Youth in Focus Board of Directors provides vital leadership and support for our mission to ensure organizational success.


*Photos with gray background taken by Youth in Focus Student Joy R.

Abdirahman Mohamed


Anjali Riddick

Consultant / Advocate

Bill Tinney


Della Chen

Della Chen Photography

Erica Daniels

Emazing Photography

Fadhilah Lee


Vice President

Isabelle Portilla


Jeff Few



Kathryn Peterson

Schultz Family Foundation

Kristy Springer



Lesley Ann Low, PhD


Leslie Wellott

Frame & Reference, Inc

Mark Kathurima

Mark One Studios

Nicole Ramirez

Amazon (Worldwide Sustainability)

Percy Etheridge


Steve Hill

Retired HR Professional

Founder / Emeritus

Walter Bodle

Retired Teacher

Join Our Board!

The Youth in Focus Board of Directors provides vital leadership and support for our mission to ensure organizational success.

Youth in Focus is a small organization that offers prospective board members a chance to have meaningful direct impact on the organization, its mission, and the students and families it serves. Board members are given the opportunity to bring their specialized skills and strengths to bear on the oversight, funding, and board governance of a program that makes an arts, visual literacy, and skills-based education curriculum accessible to 400+ students a year.

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